Lead Tribes Common Popular Question & Answer
We ask for 3 references so we are looking for a past or present client, an industry connection that knows you and a close friend or relative is fine too..
We have a super easy way for you to sign up right on our website or you can click here
We have an annual membership fee, however, if you choose a Tribe that meets up during a meal time, then that cost is extra and will be invoiced to you as a Room fee (this helps with the write off !)
We encourage you to attend all of our meetings! but if you need flexibility we offer that too! For the Leader membership (weekly) you are allowed to be absent once per month (you can send someone in your place!)
For the Flex Membership biweekly meetings you are required to attend all the meetings...however shittake happens so you can send a substitute in your place
For the Flex Membership monthly, it's 12 meetings and we want you to be part of our community so don't miss it! Come on....its only once a month right?
We suggest having a few people on standby so that you don't miss out on any opportunities that are meant for you, so ask a colleague, someone on your team, and the best substitute is a client! Let them know that you are part of a Tribe who rely on you so there may be a time where you need them to jump in for you , so give them the location and the time of your meeting so they are aware, heck, invite them to the next meeting so they really know what to expect , otherwise you can be sure we will take great care of them:)
If they have a business, we will want to hear about that too!
Yes! Just ask or choose what works for you when you get to the payment part of the application
Once you have submitted your application online, we will verify your references and once you pass those with flying colours, we will send you the payment link. We do accept credit cards.
Here is the deal.....you were going out for lunch networking with one, maybe 2 prospects a week right? so now you get to have a meal with many other entrepreneurs! We think that is best use of your time so we will invoice you a room fee at the beginning of each month.